Volume 8, Issue 1, October 1998
Article Summary:
Faith Is A Family Affair
We are sometimes inclined to forget that a child needs just as much time for spiritual development as for bodily and mental growth. They need to develop the spiritual along with the rest of their growth to become a whole person. More . . .
All of us, especially children, have a spiritual need for love. Later they will learn to love but, first they must experience love received.
Children also need to feel secure. Security is not just a comfortable feeling of safety; it is the atmosphere that allows a child to act, to think, to ask questions, and to grow. More . . .
A popular slogan of today is, "knowledge is power." Children are frequently told to study to "get somewhere in the world," and to "get a good job." More . . .
Explanation given by a pupil for not joining in class discussion: "I learn more by listening. Anything I would say, I already know." More . . .
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"Religion NOW" is published in limited edition by the Rev. Ross E. Readhead, B.A., B.D., Certificate of Corrections, McMaster University, in the interest of furthering knowledge and participation in religion. Dialogue is invited and welcomed.
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August 31, 2008, the Religion NOW site went live.
01 September 2008
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26 October 2008
Coming Soon Article Previews for 1996.
30 October 2008
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16 November 2009
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Robert and Susan Armstrong