Volume 7, Issue 1, September 1997
Article Summary:
One of the things we need to learn and work at if we are to be happy and our society fulfilled is to forgive ourselves and others. To be social is to be forgiving.More . . .
Anyone who isn't interested in politics isn't religious.More . . .
Ending poverty worldwide is not a daydream, in fact, with a little will, and surprising little money, extreme poverty can be wiped from the face of the earth within a generation, declares a report of the United Nations.More . . .
It has been said that the most immutable barrier in human relations is between one person's thoughts and another's. It is important for people to communicate with one another, and any resistance has to be diminished or overcome.More . . .
Justice is conceived as the foundation stone of the coming global civilization, teaches the Baha'i faith.More . . .
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"Religion NOW" is published in limited edition by the Rev. Ross E. Readhead, B.A., B.D., Certificate of Corrections, McMaster University, in the interest of furthering knowledge and participation in religion. Dialogue is invited and welcomed.
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August 31, 2008, the Religion NOW site went live.
01 September 2008
The first articles and newsletters uploaded. Volume 1 Issues 1, 2 and 3 1994.
14 September 2008
Comming Soon Article Previews for 1995.
28 September 2008
Articles for 1995 uploaded. Volume 2 Issues 1-4, Volume 3 Issues 4-7 and Volume 4 Issues 1 and 2.
26 October 2008
Coming Soon Article Previews for 1996.
30 October 2008
Articles for 1996 uploaded. Volume 4 Issues 3-8, Volume 5 Issue 8 and Volume 6 Issues 1-4.
16 November 2009
Articles for 1997 uploaded. Volume 6 Issues 5-10, Volume 7 Issues 1-2.
Robert and Susan Armstrong