Volume 1, Issue 1, April 1994
One of the things that is exciting in the church today is the energy that is generated through small groups. Where enthusiasm and progress is being experienced it is generally found now in small group activity. It is becoming a cultural and administrative realignment.
Small groups are fostering a new sense of community, as well as how we conceive the sacred in today's world. They provide a social arrangement in which joint achievement and personal integrity are not opposed, but mutually contributory. The members become united as persons in relationship.
The deity of small groups is a God of love, comfort, order and security. God is seen less as an almighty celestial king and judge, dispensing judgement, threatening wrath and punishment, a mystery to those who would seek to comprehend a divine being.
This is not a sign of weakness in the church, but rather an indication of strength. Without the desire to fellowship, study, participate, worship, people would not make the effort to form a
People feel more comfortable and at ease in the small, accepting clusters. They can more easily take part in the group's purposes. They feel wanted, find people like them and who like them.
The small group movement, according to the observations of the Gallup poll professionals, appears to be bringing North American society back together, answering what seems to be one of our central needs of fellowship, personal involvement, and warmer worship.
Described by some observers as a quiet revolution, the small group movement is appealing to the many who are yearning for a greater knowledge and a closer relationship with the divine in life.
The whole history of divine disclosure is a record of insights and knowledge gained by individuals in community with others. A creative interaction often takes place within small groups of Christians when they struggle together to interprete the holy in their everyday lives, personal experiences, and shared religion.
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"Religion NOW" is published in limited edition by the Rev. Ross E. Readhead, B.A., B.D., Certificate of Corrections, McMaster University, in the interest of furthering knowledge and participation in religion. Dialogue is invited and welcomed.
Robert and Susan Armstrong